Monday, April 25, 2011

Fisher Capital Management Corporate Latest News Updates and Reviews

Fisher Capital Management Corporate News: First-ever Corporate Travel Expert program in Shanghai kicks off

SHANGHAI, China – Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) and TTG Asia Media’s effort to bring the internationally-recognized Corporate Travel Expert (CTE) Certification Course to China has paid off with an encouraging 23 participants from across China.

Designed as a 1.5 days starter program on the basics of business travel management, this program is ideal for professionals with decision-making roles in travel planning and purchasing. The full-day learning session starts today, with the certification exam taking place tomorrow. Successful graduates will earn the CTE designation. To date, more than 900 professionals worldwide have been certified through GBTA’s CTE program.

Today’s participants include professionals from McKinsey & Company, Accenture Beijing and Shanghai, Bosch (China) Investment, IKEA IMS Wholesale (Shanghai), and China International Travel Service Shenzhen. The cohort also features travel managers, travel counselors, account managers, executive assistants, buyers, purchasers, general managers, and CEOs.

Fisher Capital Management Corporate News: Why shouldn’t Murdoch get what he wants? Others do

Imagine reports that, during the 2010 election, members of Labour’s campaign team hired private detectives to hack the mobile phones of Tory leaders and aides, accessing in particular voicemail messages left by the editors of the Sun and News of the World. Imagine that a sleuth was convicted, along with the minor apparatchik at Labour headquarters who hired him.

Imagine that Labour leaders insisted that the apparatchik was a rogue operator, that nobody else in the party could possibly be involved, and that Gordon Brown, along with his henchmen Eds Miliband and Balls, were entirely in ignorance of what their underlings had been up to.We can be certain the press would not let the matter rest there. Any shortcomings in the police investigation would be closely scrutinised.

Fisher Capital Management Corporate News: NDP promise: Keeping corporate tax rate below the U.S.

There is currently a nine percentage point spread between the average Canadian federal/provincial corporate tax rate (approximately 26 per cent) and the U.S. federal corporate tax rate (35 per cent).

Add in state corporate taxes on top of the federal, and the gap becomes more like about 14 per cent. The NDP could raise Canada’s corporate rate to heights not seen in decades, and still keep this promise.

But how useful are these cross-national comparisons of corporate tax rates that politicians are so fond of?

The U.S. has the world’s largest economy, is home to more Fortune 500 companies than anywhere else, and yet it has among the world’s highest corporate tax rate.

What gives?

The answer is you can’t believe everything you read. What the government wants companies to pay, and what they actually pay are often two different things. It’s a great big world out there, and money seeks out places where taxes are lowest.

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